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Hex search: 3 or 6 hex symbols
338Deep violet33006651, 0, 102PostedSimilarLink
791Persian indigo32127A50, 18, 122PostedSimilarLink
914Russian violet32174D50, 23, 77PostedSimilarLink
500Indigo (web)4B008275, 0, 130PostedSimilarLink
666Midnight blue19197025, 25, 112PostedSimilarLink
976Space cadet1D295129, 41, 81PostedSimilarLink
1056Ultramarine120A8F18, 10, 143PostedSimilarLink
987Spanish violet4C288276, 40, 130PostedSimilarLink
288Dark purple30193448, 25, 52PostedSimilarLink
691Navy0000800, 0, 128PostedSimilarLink
1137Yankees blue1C284128, 40, 65PostedSimilarLink
267Dark imperial blue00147E0, 20, 126PostedSimilarLink
867Regalia522D8082, 45, 128PostedSimilarLink
899Royal blue0023660, 35, 102PostedSimilarLink
251Dark blue00008B0, 0, 139PostedSimilarLink
800Phthalo blue000F890, 15, 137PostedSimilarLink
172Catalina blue062A786, 42, 120PostedSimilarLink
489Imperial602F6B96, 47, 107PostedSimilarLink
514Japanese violet5B325691, 50, 86PostedSimilarLink
1049Tyrian purple66023C102, 2, 60PostedSimilarLink
491Imperial purple66023C102, 2, 60PostedSimilarLink
736Palatinate purple682860104, 40, 96PostedSimilarLink
732Oxford Blue0021470, 33, 71PostedSimilarLink
499Indigo dye091F929, 31, 146PostedSimilarLink
869Resolution blue0023870, 35, 135PostedSimilarLink
379English violet563C5C86, 60, 92PostedSimilarLink
706Old heliotrope563C5C86, 60, 92PostedSimilarLink
717Onyx35383953, 56, 57PostedSimilarLink
276Dark midnight blue0033660, 51, 102PostedSimilarLink
88Blue (pigment)33339951, 51, 153PostedSimilarLink
519Jet34343452, 52, 52PostedSimilarLink
190Charcoal36454F54, 69, 79PostedSimilarLink
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